About Us

Find out more about the occurrences in the multi-cultural and sustainable communities in Ontario.
Our organization puts a high value on the truth and the established culture of Ontario. With that said, we aim to connect to our audience with factual statements, well-formed opinions, and relevant news pieces.
We also provide vital facts on the geography and the history of Ontario. Together, we can use this platform to learn how the city thrives over the years and how the people go about the challenges of the day-to-day.
The origin of the name “Ontario” wasn’t easily determined. Still, some accounts trace it from an Iroquois word that means “beautiful water.” As such, the first settlers in the provinces were aboriginals that spoke Iroquois and Algonquins.
It was only in the 1600s that European settlers entered the country and started the colonization. By the middle of the 1700s, Canada was entirely under British power.
Then, by the mid-1800s, a couple of changes occurred. These include Ontario and Quebec became separate provinces. Toronto was hailed as the first city in Ontario, and the capital was moved to Ottawa.
The area encompassing Ontario is more extensive than Spain, and France combined, making it the second-largest province in Canada. It covers over 415 square miles and is bordered by other Canadian provinces and river forms.
Namely, we have the James Bay and Hudson Bay up North, the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River down South, Manitoba at the West, and Quebec at the East.
Because of its scale, the province of Ontario experiences two time zones – the ET, the Eastern Time zone, or the CT, the Central Time zone. Also, its highest point rises to 693 meters above sea level.